October 31, 2020
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 8am-10am: Open Gym10am: Group WOD Back Rack Alternating Lunge 10-10-10 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.Rest as needed between sets. Single leg work today for the heavy element. We are going to be working on lunges with the barbell on our back. If this is a bit concerning for some […]
October 30, 2020
REMINDER…NO 4:30/5:30pm classes tonight! Join us at 7pm for the CFC Scavenger Hunt! 5 rounds for time of:10 Push Press, 155/105 lbs20 Med Ball Cleans, 20/14 lbs Goal: sub 12 mins Retesting this workout from 4/1/19. Been a bit but this is a GREAT workout and a challenging one as well. Be honest with the […]
October 29, 2020
REMINDER…No 4:30/5:30pm classes this Friday to get ready for the scavenger hunt! 10 rounds:3 Ring Muscle-ups5 Toes-to-rings30 Double Unders Goal: sub 15 mins Gymnastics focus on this workout today with lower rep schemes which means you should be working on cycling your reps. Focus on a quality kip in both the pull AND the dip […]
October 28, 2020
Heavy Day! Split Jerk 2-2-1-1-1 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.Rest as needed between sets. Heavy Day with some Split Jerks! Take one set roughly every 2-3min with the goal being to increase the weight with each set. If this is a newer movement consider using the same weight and increasing the […]
October 27, 2020
3 Rounds for time of:30/25 Row Calories30 Kettlebell Swings, 70/53 lbs30 Burpees Goal: sub 24 mins Going longer today with the rep scheme and movements. Your goal should be to go into this workout confident and with a game plan on how to pace. Strong and steady with minimal breaks and a goal of consistent […]
October 26, 2020
For time:30 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs9 Strict Pull-ups20 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs6 Strict Pull-ups10 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs3 STrict Pull-ups Goal: sub 8 mins Light weight which means some fast cycle time and not much of a reason to stop. If you do need to break these up it should no more than 1 or 2 times but […]