April 1, 2022
As many reps as possible in 15 mins of:From 0:00-5:00:Bar Facing BurpeeFrom 5:00-9:00:1 RM Squat CleanFrom 9:00-12:00:Assault Bike CalorieFrom 12:00-14:00:Bar Muscle-upFrom 14:00-15:00:Deadlift (using 1RM Squat Clean) Goal: Just get it done A fun and challenging workout today with a mix of high rep gymnastics work, heavy weight lifting, and some endurance on the bike. I […]
March 31, 2022
For time:Row, 1000 m75 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs50 Toes-to-bars Goal: Sub 12 min Simple triplet with some challenging movements today. Pace yourself on the row so you can get to work right away on the barbell. The weight should be light enough that you can cycle in higher repetition sets, but you will want to […]
March 31, 2022
For time:Row, 1000 m75 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs50 Toes-to-bars Goal: Sub 12 min Simple triplet with some challenging movements today. Pace yourself on the row so you can get to work right away on the barbell. The weight should be light enough that you can cycle in higher repetition sets, but you will want to […]
March 30, 2022
Heavy Day! Pause Back Squat 4-3-2-1*3 sec pause at the bottom of each rep Today is our heavy day working the pause back squat with a descending rep scheme. Ideally, you are working up in weight with each set taking one set roughly every 3-minutes. For each rep you will be pausing :03seconds at the […]
March 30, 2022
Heavy Day! Pause Back Squat4-3-2-1*3 sec pause at the bottom of each rep Today is our heavy day working the pause back squat with a descending rep scheme. Ideally, you are working up in weight with each set taking one set roughly every 3-minutes. For each rep you will be pausing :03seconds at the bottom. […]
March 29, 2022
Part 1Hang Power Clean 1×1 The first part of today’s session is going to have you building to a heavy hang power clean. This is more or less of a primer before heading into the workout. We want you to focus on quality reps. Ideally, you are building in weight to something that is moderately […]