February 12, 2022

Posted By: Christi

8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD

Teams of 2 – 2 rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts, 315/225 lbs
15 Push-ups
45 Double Unders
Then –
7 Deadlifts, 275/185 lbs
10 Ring Push-ups
45 Double Unders
Then –
10 Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups
45 Double Unders

This is two rounds for time. So you go through each triplet then cycle back to the start and repeat. For example…while Partner 1 is completing the 5 deadlifts, 15 push-ups and DU’s Partner 2 holds a heavy farmers carry with either KB’s or DB’s. When partner 1 completes the first triplet, partner 2 starts that same triplet while Partner 1 holds the farmer carry. Alternate back-and-forth until you complete two full rounds.

Hip/Knee Maintenance
3 rounds for quality of:
Banded Lateral Walk, L 50 ft/R 50 ft
10 Glute Bridge Walk Out

Post Work
1min per side Pec Stretch
2-3min Forward Fold