For time:
50 Manmakers, 50/35 lbs
Goal: Sub 18 min
1 Rep:
Renegade Row
Push Up
Squat Clean
Shoulder to Overhead
Overhead Lunge Right and Left
Oh it’s back! We did this work out last fall. This is going to be a grind of a workout and it’s important that you choose an appropriate weight. The key to this workout will be staying positive mentally while working at a smooth, methodical pace, tackling 1 rep at a time. The goal time for this workout is sub 18 minutes. In order to finish within this time domain you’ll need to do 2-3 reps per minute. If needed, treat this like an EMOM with the goal of 2-3 reps per minute. Dig in and have some fun!
Accessory Work
2-3 rounds for quality of:
Starfish Side Plank, L 20 secs/R 20 secs
10 Hip Thrusts
Single Leg Balance + T-Hold, L 20 secs/R 20 secs
Accessory work today is focusing on the midline as well as the posterior chain. The hip thrust can be done with loading by using a dumbbell or it can be done unloaded holding :03sec at the top of each rep to make it harder. This is to be done for quality with a full range of motion.