For time:
50/40 Row Calories
40 Goblet Squats, 53/35 lbs
30 Toes-to-bars
— Rest 2 mins —
30 Toes-to-bars
40 Goblet Squats, 53/35 lbs
50/40 Row Calories
Goal: Sub 10 min on each interval
This is our interval workout for the week. This workout involves some higher rep schemes and although the rep schemes are higher we want you to push the pace on each interval. The calorie row should be done at a hard yet sustainable pace. The calorie row should take you no longer than 2:30-3 minutes to complete. Modify calories to accomplish that. The weight for the goblet squat should allow you to get all 40 reps done within 2-4 sets per interval. The toes to bar accumulate to be a fair amount of volume but it should still be manageable. Choose a rep range that has you moving steadily.
Post Work
Samson Stretch
:90 sec/side
Pigeon Stretch:
:90 sec/side