“Choose Your Own Adventure”
For Time:
30 Snatch, pick load
30 Box Step Up (50’s/35’s)
30 Clean and Jerk, pick load
30 Box Step Up (50’s/35’s)
Goal: Sub 16 min
-Use one of the following to change up the barbell work:
Dumbbells: 35’s-65’s
Sandbag: 70-100
Kettlebells: 35’s-53’s
Barbell: 135/95
Starting our week off with the choose your own adventure challenge workout! This is a chipper-style workout with a moderate time domain. For this workout, we want to see you changing up the barbell with a sandbag, dumbbells, or kettlebells. In terms of loading we want you to choose a weight that feels moderate. Both the snatch and clean & jerk should take roughly 4-minutes to complete. For the box step-up, you will be holding two dumbbells in the farmer’s position alternating steps. You will likely need to break this up but we would recommend getting all 30 reps done within 4 sets at most.
Optional Accessory
4 rounds for quality of:
L-Sit Hold, 10 secs
Side Plank , L 20 secs/R 20 secs