5 rounds for time of:
10 L/10 R Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters, 50/35 lbs
20 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
Goal: Sub 17 min
Getting in your unilateral work for the week with this workout. The single arm thruster is on the lighter side when you think of total loading but will be a bit challenging with it just being in one hand. Box jumps are going to jack that heart rate up so stepping down can be a great way to pace them out. It’s also a good approach for those with any knee or ankle issues they want to take care of. Work to find a good pace and keep it throughout each round if not increasing in speed a bit by the last round.
3 Round Tabata Mash (:20 seconds of work and :10 seconds of rest)
Medball Lateral Toss (right)
Hollow Hold or Bent Knee Hollow Hold
Medball Lateral Toss (left)
Seesaw Plank or Forearm Plank Hold
-Rest 1 min between rounds
Tabata Mash which means you will rotate from one exercise to the next with your :10 second break. I would suggest using a lighter med ball and focusing on speed rather than going heavier today. You can even do this with a partner. Lots of ways to modify the hollow hold if needed but keep it legit with those abs engaged and low back pressed into the floor.
Post Work
1min High Plank Calf Stretch
2-3min Adductor Stretch