November 9, 2021

Posted By: Christi

Deload week continues…

3 rounds for quality:
5 mins of:
max distance run, bike or row
3 mins of:
max rep [ 5 Pull-ups + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air Squats ]
1 min of:
max rep Kettlebell Swings, 26/18 lbs

Complete at an RPE of 6/10 (60% effort)

We have a for-quality workout on deck for today! This workout is all about moving. The focus should be on quality reps especially through the rounds of “Cindy” and kettlebell swings. Your goal for the run, bike or row is to hold a consistent pace for the entire 5 minutes. The focus for the “Cindy” portion is that you work for quality, working with full range of motion on the pull-ups, push-ups and squats. There is no rest between rounds or movements.

Midline Work – Reverse Tabata
3-4 rounds for quality of:
Hollow Hold, 10 secs
Rest 20 secs
R Side Plank, 10 secs
Rest 20 secs
Superman, 10 secs
Rest 20 secs
L Side Plank, 10 secs
Rest 20 secs

We are finishing today off with some midline work. This is a reverse Tabata which means you will be working for :10seconds and resting for :20seconds. The :20seconds of rest should allow you to work hard for each :10sec interval. Fight for good quality positions.