8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
5 Pull-up
10 Push-up
15 Air Squat
1 Hang Power Clean, pick load
AMRAP in 3 mins of:
5 Pull-up
10 Push-up
15 Air Squat
1 Hang Squat Clean, pick load
Heavy breathing and heavy lifting on deck today. The rounds of “Cindy” should be done at a hard pace but also a consistent pace. Modify each movement as needed to a variation that is appropriate for you and allows for consistent movement. The hang power clean and hang squat clean should be near max effort. Ok to hit failure but it should be towards the end of the 3-minutes. 3 min is a relatively short window to find that max work so I would suggest hitting weights on the min or a hair faster so you get 3-5 attempts of each
Post Work 1x:
1-2min Childs Pose
1min per side Thread the Needle