Part 1
Every 1 min for 3 mins do:
2 Snatches, 60% 1RM
— then —
Every 1 min for 3 mins do:
2 Snatches, 65% 1RM
— then —
Every 1 min for 3 mins do:
2 Snatches, 70% 1RM
Bike or row at a casual pace the remainder of each min.
REST 5 Minutes
Part 2
Every 1 min for 3 mins do:
2 Power Clean & Jerks, 60% 1RM
— then —
Every 1 min for 3 mins do:
2 Power Clean & Jerks, 65% 1RM
— then —
Every 1 min for 3 mins do:
2 Power Clean & Jerks, 70% 1RM
Bike or row at a casual pace the remainder of each min.
Snatch and Clean & Jerk:
We have a two-part workout today! This is going to be treated as our strength day for the week. We will be doing some snatching and power clean & jerks. The primary focus for the day is going to be on position and speed with the barbell. Though we have listed percentages, you should be moving with quality. We will have a 5-minute transition between the snatch and clean & jerk for you to warm up for the clean & jerk. There will be a bike and row element within each minute. Complete 2-reps of barbell movement and then for the remainder of the minute, row or bike at an easy pace. It’s important that this stays at an easy pace so you can focus on quality movement with the barbell. We will spend a lot of our warm-up drilling positions. Taking the time to dial in this technique repeatedly with lower weights will pay off!
Post Workout
For quality:
10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
Tempo Goblet Squat, pick load
Tempo Ring Push-up
Tempo Goblet Squats- 3 secs down and up
Tempo Ring Push-ups- 3 secs down and up