For time:
“Triple 3”
Row, 3000m
300 Double Unders
Run, 3 mi
Goal- Sub 40 minutes
Cap- 45 minutes
“Triple 2”
Row, 2000m
200 Double Unders
Run, 2 mi
Goal- Sub 40 minutes
Cap- 45 minutes
An old classic game workout to give us some longer duration work today. While this is a fair amount of rowing, double unders, and running, keep in mind the purpose of this. We are trying to focus on sustained effort and a longer duration workout. Goal is sub 40 minutes so if you need to modify the distance or reps on double unders feel free to do so. The row should take roughly 12-15 minutes to complete and no longer than 15-minutes. The double unders should take roughly 5-7 minutes to complete and no longer than 7-minutes. Lastly, the 3-mile run should take no longer than 20-24 minutes to complete. In order for this to happen you’ll need to be able to maintain an 8-minutes mile.
Post Work 1x:
1min per side Static Lying Leg Crossover Stretch
3min Forward Fold