2 rounds for max reps/distance of:
Row Calories, 3 mins
Man Makers, 35/20 lbs, 2 mins
Sled Drag, 90/70 lbs, 1 min
Bike Calories, 3 mins
Man Makers, 35/20 lbs, 2 mins
Reverse Sled Drag, 90/70 lbs, 1 min
Row/Bike Calories, 3 mins
Man Makers, 35/20 lbs, 2 mins
Extended Arm Sled Drag, 90/70 lbs, 1 min
This is our longer workout for the week and it involves some monostructural movements, light man makers, and three different variations of dragging a sled! Just like all of our build the base workouts, the overall goal for this is going to be getting you moving at a steady pace and roughly at 70% effort. You will work at each station for the designated amount of time with at least :15sec of transition from one movement to the next. The 3min on the bike/row should be steady maintaining the same pace from start to finish. The man maker is to be done at a light load that allows you to stay moving consistently. Choose a weight that allows you to keep moving over the entire 2 minutes.
Static Spiderman Stretch
:90 sec/side
Dead Hang
2 x :30-45 seconds
Eccentric Bulgarian Split Squat
3 x 6/side w/ :06 second lowering and regular return
Stretching with some static holds and eccentric work. If you feel like you need some more time on the static hold work you are welcome to add it in. The dead hang from the bar is there to open up your shoulders so relax and think of getting long. Eccentric work should be unloaded and focusing on bracing through your belly and slow movement on the way down to get the most out of the stretch.