8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD
AMRAP 5 minutes:
Run, 600 m
max reps in remaining time Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
— then —
AMRAP 5 minutes:
Run, 600 m
max reps in remaining time Push Press, 135/95 lbs
— then —
AMRAP 5 minutes:
Run, 600 m
max distance in remaining time Dumbbell Bear Crawl, 50/35 lbs
Goal: Have 1:30-2 mins to work on the max effort sections.
This is setup to have you pushing the pace on each 600 m run while still being able to get in a fair amount of work on the movements listed with remaining time. Set a goal to have the runs take no more than 3:30 to 4 mins. This means you should have at least 90 secs to work on the exercise if not 2. The AMRAPs are back-to-back so we want you having an element of pacing so you can still hustle on that run and get back in for the additional work. The push press is likely going to be what is broken up the most. Try to find manageable rep schemes so you can keep consistent movement. This may be sets of 6, 8, or 10, etc. It’s okay to vary them but avoid dropping under the barbell turning things into a push jerk. The dumbbell bear crawl is a real treat and on that is ultimately going to be a gut check to keep moving.
Midline/Shoulder Maintenance
2-3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Plate Wraps, pick load
Plank Hold, 45 secs
10 ATYTs, pick load