Zoom @ 5:30am & Noon
4 Rounds
1 Big Clean Complex (135/95) (High Hang Clean, Hang Clean, Full Clean, Push Press, High Hang Clean, Hang Clean, Full Clean, Push Jerk, High Hang Clean, Hang Clean, Full Clean, Split Jerk)
Run 400 meters
Notes: Compare to 2/14
Compare to 2/14. Big Clean Complex is going to get that heart rate going. Don’t over complicate it. It’s basically a 3 position clean with each variation of the overhead movement you know. Couple this with the 400 meter run and you’ll be huffing and puffing a bit. If possible the complex should be done unbroken, with a drop only for overhead if needed. Otherwise hang onto that barbell!
Post Work:
2 rounds
75 Lying Banded Leg Curls
100 Seated Calf Raises