For Time:
1,000 Box Step-Ups (20 in)
Goal: Just get it done
Notes: Wear a Ruck Pack (45/35lb)
Doing our best to provide the best programming possible while meeting our circumstances. This is the perfect way! Both with the variety of work for the week as well as what hero workouts are all about. If you don’t have a box find a set of stairs or anything sturdy close by. If you’ve done this in the past with a vest give it a shot with a pack…. Different feeling for sure. You can load your pack with whatever you have and get after it. Steady pace and keep moving. Back off on the reps if needed in order to keep volume in check and avoid undo soreness.
“Chad” Bodyweight Version:
For Time
1,000 Step Ups
Notes: If you have something sturdy to step on use it. If not go for a 60min hike and take a pack.
Optional Accessory
3 Rounds for Quality
5 Box Jump (30/20)
:10 sec Freestanding Handstand Hold OR 10 Handstand Shoulder Tap
50′ Handstand Walk
:10 sec Freestanding Handstand Hold OR 10 Handstand Shoulder Tap
Notes: See if you can do your handstand holds and walk unbroken.
Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson, 43, stationed in Virginia Beach, VA, died on October 29, 2018. Wilkinson was an active duty SEAL for 22 years.
Chad is survived by his wife, Sara. When Sara spoke at her husband’s funeral, she recounted a recent story when she walked into the garage to find Chad doing step-ups wearing a backpack. He was training to climb Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America, by doing 1,000 step-ups at a time.
CrossFit Games Director Dave Castro along with Jimi Letchford, James Hobart, and Adrian Bozman completed this workout on December 14, 2018 to pay tribute to Castro’s friend and fellow SEAL. After Castro posted the workout to social media to raise awareness of Veteran suicide, the work-out quickly became popular and well-known to the entire CrossFit community.