For Time:
800m Run
2 Rounds:
10 Box Jump + Air Squat (24/20)
10 Push-up + Sandbag Pull Thru (40/30)
1500 Bike
2 Rounds:
10 Box Jump + Squat
10 Push-up + SB Pull Thru
1000m Row
2 Rounds:
10 Box Jump + Squat
10 Push-up + SB Pull Thru
Goal: Sub 24 Min
We have some running, biking and rowing on deck today. Each effort should take right around 4 minutes or less. Box Jumps + Squat will take a little getting used to, be sure to find a rhythm before getting after it. Swap out a DB for the Sandbag for larger classes.
For quality:
3 Rounds:
100′ Double KB Front Rack Carry, pick load
10 L/10 R Pallof Press