3 Rounds
21 Pull Up
9 Thrusters (135/95)
Goal: Sub 11 min
U.S. Marine Cpl. Marc T. Ryan, of Gloucester City, New Jersey, died Nov. 15, 2004, from a roadside bomb in Ramadi, Iraq. The 25-year-old was a weapons specialist assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force at the Marine Corps Base Camp in Pendleton, California. Ryan is survived by his parents, Thomas and Linda; brother, Chris; and sister, Lauren.
The pull ups are a bit on the higher volume side it’s 3 rounds but you should be able to do these in no more than 3 sets on any round. Good rule of thumb for the HSPU as well. Short breaks and small sets if needed to keep moving. With all that shoulder work you’re going to have to rely on leg and hip drive with the thruster. Touch heavier loading here but you should be able to get these done in no more than 2 sets.
Post Work
Couch Stretch 2 min/side
Child’s Pose 2 minutes (:45 right, :45 middle, :45 left)