August 6, 2020

Posted By: Christi

AMRAP 12 min
Cal Row
Front Squat (135/95)
Notes: If you get through the round of 21 reps stop and log the workout “For Time”

An “up ladder” with lungs and legs! The row is going to be relatively easy to start and the workout will feel like there are quite a few transitions to start but this will change later in the rounds. Keep a strong pace on the row but something that you can get your larger sets of front squats in no more than 3 sets for any round if possible. Loading on the bar is light to moderate which means that there will be little excuse for you to put the weight down but being smart earlier on will pay off in the long run. If you make it through the round of 21’s before the 12 min mark log your time as your score. If not, your rounds/reps for your score in the 12 min.

Optional Accessory
Accumulate the Following
100 Seated Banded Leg Curl
100 Seated Calf Raise
2 min in Bird Dog