“Rogue Invitational Event 4”
4 rounds for time of:
21/17 Calorie Row
21 Weighted Abmat Sit-ups, 14/10 lbs
Run, 200 m
Goal: Sub 14 min
This one is going to pack a punch! All the conditioning on deck. This workout was originally written to be done on a ski erg so we will modify to using rowers or bikes as needed. The 21/17 calories should take roughly 1min-1:30 to complete, working at a hard but consistent pace. The weighted Abmat Sit-up should be done fairly quickly and ideally in an unbroken set. The 200-meter run should be done at a hard but consistent pace. Ideally, this takes no longer than :45-1min to complete. Modify as needed.
Post Work
Every 4 mins for 12 mins do:
50mL/50mR Single Arm Farmer Carry, pick load
50mL/50R Single Arm Front Rack Carry, pick load
50m Dball Bearhug Carry, pick load
We are finishing today off with some odd object carries. We have a mixture of unilateral carry’s and the Bearhug carry which will be challenging for the entire midline. Perform 1 round every 4-minutes using the heaviest weight that they can for each movement.