For time:
50 Clean & Jerks, 185/125 lbs
75 Toes-to-bars
Complete in any order you like to accomplish the work
Goal: Sub 20 min
We have a fun for-time workout on deck for today! You get to choose how you want to get this one done and it will take some strategy and a thoughtful approach. Many will benefit from breaking this into small reps and higher rounds to stay moving at a consistent pace. The clean & jerk loading in this workout is going to be a bit on the heavier side and should challenge you in terms of loading. However, you should be confident in the weight you choose even when you get tired. If you need to modify the toes to bar go to a kipping knee raise, a hanging knee raise, or v-up as needed. Adjust loading and the total amount of reps to reach this time goal.
Post Work
5 rounds for quality of:
3 Strict Ring Pull-ups
3 Ring Muscle-up Transitions
3 Ring Dips
Rest 1:30 – 2 mins
Post Work Modifications
3 Band Assist Strict Pull Up or Seated Pull Up
3 Banded Ring Transition or Kneeling Transition
3 Band Assist Ring Dip or Hand Release Push Up
Accessory work today is going to involve some gymnastics work that is to be done for quality. The strict pull-up is working on basic pulling strength. You will be tired from the workout but we would encourage you to get all 3 reps done in a row. The ring muscle-up transition has you only working the transition portion of the ring muscle-up. You can modify this to a low ring transition variation or a banded muscle-up transition. The ring dip is working on pressing strength with an unstable surface. Modify this as needed to a jumping ring dip or a box dip. Focus on quality reps with a full range of motion.