December 6, 2021

Posted By: Christi

“Barbara Ann”
5 rounds, each for time, of:
30 Deadlifts (135/95)
40 Sit-ups
50 DUs
Rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds

Goal: Sub 4:30 per round
Cap: 35 Minutes

Tackling one of the newly released CrossFit female benchmark workouts. Reduce the reps and loading so you can complete each movement either unbroken or in no more than 2-3 sets. Each round should be a push, with rest occurring only in the 3 minutes between rounds. Reduce the total number of rounds to maintain speed rather than slogging through all 5.

Post Work
1min Childs Pose
:30ea Childs Pose R/L
1min Forward Fold
1min Straddle Stretch
1min Kneeling Straddle Stretch