For time:
21 Overhead Squats, 155/105 lbs
21 Toes-to-bars
Run, 400 m
15 Overhead Squats, 155/105 lbs
15 Toes-to-bars
Run, 400 m
9 Overhead Squats, 155/105 lbs
9 Toes-to-bars
Run, 400 m
Goal: sub 15 mins
Some midline and lungs on this piece today. The weight on the overhead squat is one that will likely have you breaking up the rounds into 2 if not 3 sets. Shoulder fatigue is going to be something to consider as well with the toes-to-bar work. See if you can stick with bigger sets on the toes-to-bar just for the sake if it today. Ideally no more than 2 sets on any round if not unbroken for those that feel strong with them. The 400 isn’t a time for you to “relax” or pace. Push the pace here and try to get right on the bar when you start the next round since we are looking at descending reps.
Shoulder Accessory
3 rounds for quality of:
12 L/12 R Side Plank + External Rotations, 5/2.5 lbs
Finishing off our day with some midline and shoulder accessory. Focus on quality movement here. Use a light change plate and keep the elbow glued to the side!