Back Squat
Sticking with our strength progression through the deload week so you can go for it here if you like. We are going to singles this week so there should be an increase in weight on the bar from our sets of 3 last week. Adjust loading as needed and don’t stress on a PR today. If the bar feels good and you want to go for it you can but that’s not the goal of the training session. Rest 2-3 mins between each work set with a goal of no failed reps.
Partner Strongman Fun
AMRAP 12 mins:
Partner 1:
100′ Sandbag/Dball Bearhug Carry
3 Sandbag/Dball Ground-to-Over Shoulders
9 Air Squats
Partner 2:
Calorie Bike
We have done workout elements similar to this in the past so some of you know what you’re in for. Work to keep the sandbag hold high on your chest and not down by your hips. This will be more challenging on your midline but has great value. The ground to over shoulder are low reps but will be a bit challenging. Adjust loading or object as needed. Try a double kettlebell front rack carry along with some cleans for the ground to shoulder for subs. Both variations will accomplish the same thing.
One partner will complete 1 round of the carry/g2os/squats while the other bikes for calories. Switch after each round. Find a moderate pace on the bike, I don’t recommend a sprint as it will make the bearhug carry that much harder. The weight on the dball/sandbag should be challenging yet allow for unbroken carries.
Banded Lat Stretch, 60 secs/side
Pec Stretch, 60 secs/side
Pigeon Stretch, 60 secs/side
Sprinter Stretch, 60 secs/side
Samson Stretch, 60 secs/side
Downward Dog, 1 min