1¼ Front Squat
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Take one set every 2 minutes.
Complete with a full squat to parallel, back to full squat, and stand for each rep.
We have just completed some of the linear progression we were working on and will be adding in some variety now through the end of the cycle. The 1-1/4 rep is to help you develop speed and position out of the bottom of the squat. You should do a full rep, then come 1/4 of the way up, then back down to the bottom, and finally stand tall. Adjust loading as needed throughout your work sets with a goal of no failed sets. Weight should be challenging but allow for solid mechanics and front rack position.
For quality:
20 Parallette Shoot Throughs
10 Pike Compression Lift Overs
Arms Overhead Hip Hinge Hold, 45 secs
15 Parallette Shoot Throughs
10 Pike Compression Lift Overs
Arms Overhead Hip Hinge Hold, 1 min
10 Parallette Shoot Throughs
10 Pike Compression Lift Overs
Arms Overhead Hip Hinge Hold, 30 secs
*Pike Compression Lift Overs- go over a parallette or dumbbell
Mix of parallette shoot through, pike compression, and static holds for this piece today. We are looking to have quality of movement today so don’t rush through this. It will naturally have an element of breathing to it with the shoot throughs. Work to keep this movement honest with a hollow core at the start and finish of each rep.