8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD
For time:
50 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs
300 Double Unders
50 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
300 Double Unders
Goal: sub 14 mins
The thruster weight is reasonable and should have you able to get some big sets in. It will be smart to break these up a bit knowing what we have later in the workout. I’m a fan of descending reps like 12/10/8 to get the meat of the work done. Work to keep the doubles smooth and relax those shoulders. The wall ball will be “easier” than the thrusters so see if you can keep a strong pace and bigger sets if possible. Another set of high rep doubles to finish it off. This workout will likely be more mental than anything and require you to stay in the moment and stay positive as well.
For quality:
Monostructural Cardio, 10 mins
3×6 L/6 R Eccentric Bulgarian Split Squat + Rock Backs
Lateral Lunge Hold, L 1 min/R 1 min
3×6 Eccentric Dumbbell Pull Overs, pick load
eccentric= :06sec lowering
Use this session as a way to recover from some heavy leg work. The easy bike will pay off big time here. The other work should have you focusing on developing some more range of motion with static holds or eccentric work. Keep the weight light for the eccentric dumbbell pull over so you can focus on stretching rather than traditional work sets.
Post Work
2min OH Samson Stretch
:90sec Banded Lying Leg Crossover