Hero WOD 6 of 15
For time:
Pull-up Bar Hang, 6 mins
Every time you break complete:
Run, 800 m
30 Push-ups
Time Cap: 40 minutes
U.S. Army Spc. Christopher J. Coffland, 43, of Baltimore, Maryland, died Nov. 13, 2009, in Wardak province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. Coffland, who joined the Army a month before reaching the enlistment age limit of 42, was assigned to the 323rd Military Intelligence Battalion at Fort Meade, Maryland. He was deployed to Afghanistan two weeks prior to his death.
Coffland was a CrossFit athlete who was known to have demolished the U.S. Army Physical Fitness Test, which features push-ups, sit-ups and a 2-mile run. He was particularly fond of long workouts, heavy lifts, distance sprints, push-ups and sit-ups.
Coffland is survived by his parents, David and Toni; his sisters, Lynn, Karen and Laurie; his brother, David; and many other friends and family members.
This is workout that is going to be both a bit of a gut check as well as take some strategy. Be smart with the volume of push ups that you can accumulate on this workout. Scale back the reps or cap yourself if needed in order to keep yourself in check. The hang from the bar is going to be challenging and for many of us may require a smaller amount of time. If you can, try to be smart as you complete the push ups and don’t feel rushed to get back on the bar. Shake things out a bit and try to keep some longer duration hangs going throughout the workout. Lower reps on the push up, from your knees, even elevated on the rings are good options for you to utilize if needed.
Post Work
1-2min per side Forearm Stretch
1-2min per side Pec Stretch