July 14, 2022

Posted By: Christi

Hero WOD #5


For time:
10 Rope Climbs
20 Back Squats, 225/155 lbs
30 Handstand Push-ups
40 Row Calories
Goal: Sub 16 minutes

U.S. Army Sergeant Dale G. Brehm, 23, of Turlock, California, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, based in Fort Lewis, Washington, died on March 18, 2006, when he came under small arms fire from enemy forces during combat operations in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. He is survived by his wife Raini, father William, stepmother Linda, and mother Laura Williams.

Today’s hero workout is a chipper. The rope climbs shouldn’t take you much more than three minutes. Back squat is on the heavier side and should be coming from the rack. I would suggest using a loading that you can get all 20 reps done in no more than four sets with minimal breaks. The handstand push-up may be the crux for some of us but focus on breaking early so you can avoid muscular failure. Z-press, pike HSPU, box HSPU are great options for the HSPU to build strength in the movement. Push the pace on the row as it’s the end of the workout and see what you got for today.

Post Work 2-3xs:
:30sec Cobra to Downward Dog
:30sec Childs Pose
:30sec Prone Lying Leg Crossover