5 rounds for time of:
10 Back Squats, 185/125 lbs
20 Weighted AbMat Sit-ups, 25/15 lbs
40 DU’s
Goal: Sub 15 mins
We have a for-time workout on deck for today. The loading for the back squat should be moderate-heavy depending on how you are feeling. We would recommend that athletes get these done within 1-2 sets and take it from the rack. The ab-mat sit-up is loaded but should allow you to complete all the reps in an unbroken set by moving at a steady pace. You can hold any piece of equipment that works for you. Dumbbell, kettlebell, plate, medball, etc. The double unders are a low number of reps per round so work for unbroken sets.
Shoulder Maintenance
3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R DB Hang Muscle Snatches, pick load
Rear Delt Raise Hold, pick load, 20 secs
5 Tempo Ring Rows (3 secs down and up)