8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD
In teams of 3…
5 rounds for max reps of:
Sled Drag, pick load, 150 m
max rep [ 1 No Push-up Burpee + 1 Step Over, 24/20 in ]
max rep Bike Cals
Team workout today has you getting into groups of 3 to get the work done. Partner 1 who is pulling the sled will serve as the rabbit and determine transition into the next movement. While partner 1 is pulling the sled, partner 2&3 will accumulate as many reps as they can in the no-push burpee/step over and bike cals. Each athlete will complete a total of 5 rounds and athletes will score the number of reps they accumulate as a team. There is no listed loading for the sled but use a weight that feels moderate and allows for a steady walk taking roughly :90seconds to complete. For the no-push burpee/step over and bike cals, we want focus to be on a steady but consistent pace.
Post Work
For quality:
20 Weighted Sit-ups, pick load
GHD Hip Extension Hold, 1 min
15 Weighted Sit-ups, pick load
GHD Hip Extension Hold, 45 secs
10 Weighted Sit-ups, pick load
GHD Hip Extension Hold, 30 secs