This week we are going to be retesting a few workouts that we have done recently! This is a great time for you to test your fitness and see if you have made any improvements over the last couple of months.
4 Rounds for time of:
21 Bike Calories
7 Bar Muscle-ups
7 Hang Power Snatches, 155/105 lbs
Goal: sub 12 mins
Note: Compare to 4-8-21
Once you complete the 4 rounds, ride the bike at a moderate to strong pace till the clock hits 20 mins.
The bike should be a strong pace but something you can get right on the bar when finishing. This workout has a little bit of love/hate for everyone. You might need to break up the bar muscle up or the hang snatch. Regardless reps and loading should be set so you can get the work done in 2-3 sets max. If you did this previously take note of where you broke things up and make adjustments as needed. Sometimes more breaks with short rest can be a good approach.
Post Work
3 rounds for quality of:
10 R Standing Teapots
15 Supermans
10 L Standing Teapots
Bird Dog, L 20/R 20 secs