Possible EMOM
EMOM 10 min
Min 1: 50 Double Under
Min 2: 15-20 Swing (70/53)
Simple couplet today that is going to get us breathing! Work to relax those shoulders on the doubles and control your breathing. When it comes to the swings work to keep a good line of action on the KB keeping it relatively close to your body by squeezing your lats a bit. These sets don’t have to be unbroken so taking a quick break to save the grip on the swings may come into play.
Optional Accessory
50 Mini Band Good Morning
50 Mini Band Bicep Curl
50 Mini Band Squat
50 Mini Band Behind the neck Press
Some meathead work with a mini band to finish things off. You can break up these reps any way you need to accumulate the set of 50 but finish one exercise before moving onto the next. Choke up on the band if needed to make the bicep curl tougher or you can try some of these movements from your knees if the band tension is too much.
Post Work
Foam Roll or Smash Calves
2min per side
Foam Upper & Lower Back