March 13, 2021

Posted By: Christi

8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD

In 5 mins do:
Run, 800 m
max reps in remaining time Dball Over Shoulder (100/70)
— Rest 1:30 —
In 4 mins do:
Run, 600 m
max reps in remaining time Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
— Rest 1:30 —
In 3 mins do:
Run, 400 m
max reps in remaining time Burpees

Goal: Have 1 min or more to work on each movement.

This is programmed so you will have to push a bit on the run but you can control the volume on the other movements. The goal is to hustle on that run and push so you have about 1 min or more to work on the movement.

Posterior Chain Work

4 rounds for quality of:
Glute Bridge Hold, 20 secs
4 Glute Bridge Walk Outs
Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold, L 10 secs/R 10 secs
2 Glute Bridge Walk Outs
Rest as needed between each round.

Post Work
1-2min Sprinter Stretch
1min per side Bent Knee Calf Stretch