For time:
3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27 reps of:
Box Jump Over. 24/20 in
Kettlebell Swing, 70/53 lbs
Every 1 min complete:
5 Push-ups
Goal: Sub 18 min
Ahh, the good ol’ ascending ladder! Notice you will be doing 5 push-ups at the top of each minute except for the first minute. For the first minute, work to get a handful of reps out of the way and capitalize on the extra time. The kettlebell swing is intended to be done at a heavier load than we might typically see. Feel free to break this into 2-3 sets as the rounds go on, but you should start with unbroken sets. For the push up you should be able to do all 5 reps in a row without breaking. Modify this to a push-up from your knees, an elevated push-up, or adjust the reps to only 3 at the top of each minute.
Gymnastics Work
For quality:
1 Strict Pull-up
Handstand Walk, 20 ft / Plank Shoulder Taps
2 Strict Pull-ups
Handstand Walk, 20 ft
3 Strict Pull-ups
Handstand Walk, 20 ft
4 Strict Pull-ups
Handstand Walk, 20 ft
5 Strict Pull-ups
Handstand Walk, 20 ft
4 Strict Pull-ups
Handstand Walk, 20 ft
3 Strict Pull-ups
Handstand Walk, 20 ft
2 Strict Pull-ups
Handstand Walk, 20 ft
1 Strict Pull-up
Handstand Walk, 20 ft
Add weight to strict pull-ups if needed.
We have gymnastics for our accessory work today! The strict pull-up does not accumulate to be a ton of volume and mostly because we don’t know what this Friday will bring, therefore we want to keep the overall volume relatively low. If you feel like you are going to crush this amount of volume do a weighted pull up using a weight that will challenge you but also allow for unbroken sets the entire way through. The handstand walk is a higher skill movement but ideally, we’d like you getting inverted at some capacity so long that it is appropriate for you. Athletes can modify to doing plank shoulder taps, handstand shoulder taps, or even a double KB OH carry if getting inverted is not for you.
Post Work 1x:
1-2min Foam Roll Quads
1-2min Foam Roll Lats