Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 mins of:
Bike, 750
15 No Push-up Burpee + Squats
L-Sit, 15 secs
Bike, 750
14 Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs
5 Strict Toes-to-bars
30 min AMRAP today with some longer bike efforts. This is written with a 1 km Echo Bike and have you focus on sustained efforts. The couplets after each bike effort should allow you to have a strong and steady pace. None of the work should require you to have too much rest during or between exercises aside from the L-sit. If you need to modify this I would suggest either a knee raise or working the variations hanging from the bar. Either way you should be able to get your work sets completed with no more than 1 break.
For quality:
3×5 L/5 R Eccentric Pigeon Squats
Lying Leg Crossover Static Hold, L 1:30/R 1:30
3×6 Eccentric Dumbbell Pull Overs, pick load
Pec Stretch, 1:30
Roll/Smash Calves, L 1:30/R 1:30
Eccentric Pigeon Squats- 3-5 secs lowering
Eccentric Dumbbell Pull Overs- 6 secs lowering
Post Work
2-3min Forward Fold
10 Cat Cow (slow)