Deload Week!
Reminder that these are valuable periods of training to help you reset and have some lower intensity work that focuses on recovery. It allows us to have more consistent and productive training during the rest of our training.
AMRAP 40 Minutes:
Monostructural Cardio, 5 mins
3 rounds of:
Walking Lunge, 50 ft
15 Plate Ground-to-Overheads, 45/35 lbs
10 Feet Elevated Push-ups (feet on plate)
— then —
Monostructural Cardio, 3 mins
3 rounds of:
50 Plate Plyo Skiers
15 Plate Squats, 45/35 lbs
10 L/10 R Plate Wraps, 45/35 lbs
— then —
Monostructural Cardio, 1 min
3 rounds of:
Plate Overhead Carry, 45/35 lbs, 100 ft
15 Plate Reverse Lunges, 45/35 lbs
10 Hand Release Push-ups
*Complete at a RPE of 6-7/10.
Take note of the RPE (rate of perceived exertion). This is listed at a 6-7 out of 10 which means your effort should be 60-70%. We are simply looking to move through this and use it as an active recovery workout. The bike/row/jog should help set your heart rate and get you moving a bit. The triplets following each one all have some movements with a plate in it. You choose the weight today but generally 35-45 lbs for men and 25-35 lbs for women is a good starting point.
Post Work
2min per side Pigeon Stretch
1min per side Sprinter Stretch