For time:
5 Bench Press, 225/155 lbs
Row, 500/400 m
4 Bench Press, 225/155 lbs
Row, 500/400 m
3 Bench Press, 225/155 lbs
Row, 500/400 m
2 Bench Press, 225/155 lbs
Row, 500/400 m
1 Bench Press, 225/155 lbs
Row, 500/400 m
Goal: Sub 14 min
A fun for time workout today that will get you breathing hard and lifting heavy! We have a descending rep scheme of bench press and after each set rowing 500/400 meters. The listed loading for the bench press is heavy and is intended to be that way. Those who need to modify loading should modify to something that is heavy and challenging for you but that you can remain confident in even as you get tired. Each set should be done in an unbroken set. The row should be done at a hard pace and completed within 2minutes or less.
For quality:
3x 20 Weighted Sit-ups, pick load
3x 20 Russian Twists
Side Plank, L 1 min/R 1 min