Build the Base
In 10 mins, for max reps of:
Run, 1 mi
max reps in remaining time Burpees
— then —
In 10 mins, for max reps of:
Row, 2000 m
max reps in remaining time Burpees
— then —
In 10 mins, for max reps of:
Run, 1 mi
max reps in remaining time Burpees
Our workout today definitely requires smart pacing, while still pushing ourselves. The run and row efforts should take no more than 8 minutes. Adjust distance if needed so you can get in some solid reps on the burpee. These couplets are performed back to back with no rest between. Consider this when working to find your pace on both the conditioning elements and burpees.
Post Work
2 rounds for quality of:
1 minute Forward Fold
1 minute each Roll/Smash Calfs