“Build the Base”
AMRAP 30 mins of:
3 mins, max distance Row
5 L/5 R Single Arm Kettlebell Swings, 53/35 lbs
5 L/5 R Single Arm Kettlebell Front Rack Lunges, 53/35 lbs
5 L/5 R Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press, 53/35 lbs
50 Double Unders
3 mins, max distance Row
5 No Push-up Burpees
5 Burpees
5 Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20 in
50 Double Unders
Goal: Complete at a 70% effort
Longer AMRAP today working our conditioning. Still focusing on sustained effort which has us at an RPE of 7/10. This means our Row efforts should have us hitting very similar calorie or meter counts each round. The kettlebell and gymnastics work is designed to keep you moving without much of a break between exercises if any. Don’t turn these segments into a sprint but try to pace on this matching your heart rate just like you do on the rower.
Post Work
2-3min Straddle Stretch
1:30 min Straddle Stretch (left)
1:30 min Straddle Stretch (right)