Grunt Work
5 rounds for time of:
Dumbbell Bear Crawl, 50/35 lbs, 50 ft
Suitcase Carry, 50/35 lbs, L 50 ft/R 50 ft
15 Weighted Sit-ups, 25/15 lbs
Goal: Sub 18 mins
Post Work
3 rounds for quality of:
5 R Suitcase Deadlifts, pick load
7 R Teapots, pick load
9 R Single Arm Kettlebell Hang Cleans, pick load
5 L Suitcase Deadlifts, pick load
7 L Teapots, pick load
9 L Single Arm Kettlebell Hang Cleans, pick load
*Complete all reps on the right side, then all reps on the left side.
*Choose loading that allows for quality of movement.