Zoom @ 5am
For Time:
40 Strict Pull Up
80 Box Jump Over (24/20)
120 Squat
Goal: Sub 18 min
Notes: Wear a 20/14 lb Vest
Alllll the gymnastics work today. Depending on your preference the vest could make this workout one spicy meatball. You may consider having the vest for some movements and not for others if needed in order to meet the goal time. Be smart on those box jump over if you are wearing the vest and remember that you don’t need to stand up all the way on the box. Just need to get to the other side. This may help save those legs for that last high rep set of squats!
Post Work
3 Rounds For Quality:
20 Abmat Sit Ups
:30sec Side Plank w/ Reach Through (right)
:30sec Side Plank w/ Reach Through (left)