November 1, 2022

Posted By: Christi

10 rounds for time OR AMRAP 40 mins (whichever comes first):
Bike 750
5 Burpee Ring Muscle-ups
3 Hang Squat Cleans*
1 Box Jump, 36/30 in

*Round 1: 135/95 lbs
*Round 2: 145/105 lbs
*Round 3: 155/115 lbs
*Round 4: 165/125 lbs
*Round 5: 175/135 lbs
*Round 6: 185/145 lbs
*Round 7: 195/155 lbs
*Round 8: 205/165 lbs
*Round 9: 215/175 lbs
*Round 10: 225/185 lbs

Goal: is strong but sustained effort across all rounds.

40 min OR 10 rounds, whichever comes first with the goal of sustained effort throughout. Take note that you will be increasing the weight on the hang squat clean each round. This will be a fun and effective way to get in some heavy Oly work without overdoing it with the intensity.

Post Work 1x:
8-10 Cat Cow (slow)
:30sec Straddle Stretch (right)
:30sec Straddle Stretch (left)