November 14, 2020

Posted By: Christi

8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD

AMRAP in 15 mins of:
15 Deadlifts, 95/65 lbs
12 Back Squats, 95/65 lbs
9 Push Press, 95/65 lbs
9 Handstand Push-ups
12 Pull-ups
15 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

Light barbell today which means we want you working on cycling reps and doing the majority of the movement unbroken. Some of you may even find it valuable to hang onto the barbell and just go from one exercise to the next. The bodyweight work is going to be a git trickier in regards to the handstand push-up since we are coming off the push press. Rep range is still something small enough that you should be able to complete your work set in no more than 2 sets with. Same for the pull-up and the box jump is all about just continuing to move. No listed rounds for a goal today, rather the focus is continual movement from one thing to the next.

For quality:
Plate Wall Sit, 45/25 lbs, 1 min
Dead Hang, 1 min
Plate Wall Sit, 45/25 lbs, 45 secs
Dead Hang, 45 secs
Plate Wall Sit, 45/25 lbs, 30 secs
Dead Hang, 30 secs

Post Workout
:90sec per side Banded Hamstring Stretch
:90sec per side Banded Lying Crossover Stretch