8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD
AMRAP in 15 mins of:
max distance Sled Drag, pick load, 5 mins
max reps Turkish Get-up, 44/26 lbs, 5 mins
max distance Sandbag Bear Hug Carry, pick load, 5 mins
Today we have some lower impact work after a solid week of training. Although low impact there is still the opportunity to push hard today if you are feeling good. This workout has you rotating through every 5 minutes with minimal rest between, which means this is going to be all about keeping a steady grind. Choose a moderate weight on the sled and a heavy weight on the sandbag carry, but the goal is to be able to drag and carry 75-100’ unbroken without much of an issue when fresh.
Post Work
4 Rounds On the Minute:
:20 sec Split Squat Hold/side (light to moderate)
:15 sec Hip Hinge + Lateral Raise Hold (light to moderate)
:10 sec Chin Over Bar Hold
:15 sec Rest