Every 4 mins for 20 mins:
11 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in
9 Bar Facing Burpees
7 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs
5 Muscle-ups
We are still in the midst of our deload week so the effort can remain moderate if needed. This workout has a low rep scheme which should keep you moving smoothly from one movement to the next. The front squat will come from the floor and should be done at a light to moderate weight. Muscle-ups are the highest skilled movement in this workout and you should be choosing a rep scheme or variation that has you getting these done in a decent amount of time. We don’t want you coming to failure here or taking one rep every :30sec. Each set should either be unbroken or broken into two sets.
Post Workout
2min Forward Fold
2min Straddle Stretch
1min Underhand PVC Stretch