October 12, 2021

Posted By: Christi

For time:
75 Double Unders
5 Thrusters, 185/125 lbs
150 Double Unders
10 Thrusters, 155/105 lbs
225 Double Unders
15 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs
Goal: Sub 12 min
Compare to 8-11-21

Another repeat with this simple couplet from 8/11. Ideally, you are doing this the same exact way you did on the first go around to get a true test. For the thruster we want you to challenge yourselves a bit with loading. For the first set, use a weight that is heavy for you, the second weight is moderate to heavy, the last barbell should feel moderate to light. DU’s should be smooth. Those who don’t have double unders can stick with the single under and keep the reps the same. The high rep double unders will get the heart rate up and shoulders burning so do your best to relax.

Post Work
1min per side OH Samson Lunge
:30sec per side Dynamic Calf
1-2min per side roll lats/triceps