EMOM x 32 mins, alternating between:
Min 1: 10 Power Snatches, 75/55 lbs + max reps in remaining time Bike Calories
Min 2: 15 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 in + max reps in remaining time Bike Calories
Min 3: 10 Toes-to-bars + max reps in remaining time Bike Calories
Min 4: 40 Double Unders + max reps in remaining time Bike Calories
This is going to be our longer workout for the week and we want you to focus on consistency from start to finish. Power Snatches should be done with a lightweight and in an unbroken set. Box jump overs should be done at a steady pace. Ideally, T2B are done in an unbroken set, however, break these into two sets in the later rounds as needed. On minute four you’ll complete 40 double unders or 60 singles. The kicker to this workout is that at the completion of each movement you will work to accumulate as many calories as you can on the bike for the remainder of the minute. Focus should be working at a very smooth and steady pace with each movement and on the bike. This is a 32-minute EMOM and this is no short effort. Score the total amount of calories that you accumulate on the bike.
Post Work 1x:
1min per side Static Lying Leg Crossover Stretch
2min Standing Hamstring Stretch