October 16, 2020

Posted By: Christi

For time:
100 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 40/30 lbs
Every 1 min complete:
3 Dumbbell Power Clean & Jerks, 40/30 lbs

Goal: sub 15 mins

Revisiting this one from 11/28! It’s a grind of a workout but a great one as well. The workout starts with the 3 clean and jerks with the DB’s and this does come from the floor. It will be important that you settle into a smooth and consistent pace. Going into this with a plan will be key…an EMOM may be most helpful. There is no box height listed but ideally, we want you using a height that has your hip crease set just below your knee. This will look a bit different for everyone. An average of 6-7 box step overs each minute will have you finishing with the intended time domain of 15min.

EMOM 9 min:
Min 1: 10 Pike on rower
Min 2: :10-:20 sec Ring Support + :10-:20 sec Bottom Of Dip Hold
Min 3: 10 Banded Good Morning (moderate tension)

Post Work
:90sec ea. Side Pigeon Stretch
2-3min Forward Fold