Part 1
Hang Power Snatch
1 x 1
Part #1 will have you taking 15-minutes to build to a heavy single in the hang power snatch. There will be no prior build-up sets to the start of the 15-minute clock. Once the clock is started you will build in weight focusing on technique and quality reps. The goal is to not only get under some weight but to also build on this skill.
Part 2
3 rounds for time of:
Run, 400 m
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
12 Pull-ups
Goal: Sub 12 mins
Such a classic workout to get after today! The 400-meter run should be done in about 1:45-2:15. This should be done at a hard pace but consistent pace. The kettlebell swing is done with a standard load and ideally done in an unbroken set of 21 reps each round. The pull-up should be done within 1-3 sets each round. If you need to break the pull up you should be able to make quick work of your break. The pull-up can be a kipping, strict, band assist, jumping or ring row. The goal for this workout is to have your athletes finish within 15-minutes.
Post Work 1x:
2-3 minute Straddle Stretch
1min per side Straddle Stretch reaching to the left & right