8am-10am: Open Gym
10am: Group WOD
Teams of 2
21-15-9 reps, for time of:
Push Press, 135/95 lbs
Deadlift, 225/155 lbs
Goal: Sub 12 minutes
Team workout today with one person working on the push press and the partner holding the top of the deadlift. Switch when all reps for the round are finished.
Isometric Work
3 rounds for quality of:
Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold, L 20 secs/R 20 secs
Barbell Row Hold, pick load, 15 secs
Single Arm Plank Hold, L 10 secs/R 10 secs
Post Work 1x:
1-2 minute per side Banded Hamstring Stretch
1-2 minute per side Banded Lying Leg Crossover Stretch