Part 1
Hang Power Clean & Jerk
1 Rep
We have a two-part workout today and part #1 will have you build to a heavy single in the hang power clean and push jerk. This will also be used as a primer for the workout allowing you to get some additional warm-up sets prior to starting the back-to-back workout. The goal for this lift is to have you working to a heavy single focusing on quality mechanics. Ideally, you avoid any failed sets and work to keep all sets productive. We will work on a 15 minute clock taking 1 set every :90.
Part 2
For time:
12-9-6-3 reps of:
Hang Power Clean, 185/125 lbs
Burpee Box Jump Over, 30/24 in
— Rest 2 mins —
12-9-6-3 reps of:
Push Jerk, 185/125 lbs
Ring Muscle-up
Goal: Sub 8 min each couplet
Back to back couplets with a short rest between. The descending rep scheme should help you keep moving but it’s going to take some grit. Barbell should be loaded heavier but still something you can cycle with confidence. Breaking things up is fine but you shouldn’t have to break the set of 12 into any more than 3 sets to start things off. Carry this confidence and cycling into the smaller rep range rounds. Gymnastics elements are going to be easy to slow down on so work to push the pace on the burpee box jump over. Muscle ups on the other hand may take some solid strategy to keep moving. Modify reps/movements as needed.
Post Work
2min per side Banded Hamstring Stretch
2min per side Banded Lying Crossover Stretch